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Feet & Foot Health
Foot Care North Norfolk
Hello, I am Katie a qualified Foot Health Practitioner and Reflexologist and I have lived in Norfolk since 2005.
Nail care
Hard skin
Diabetic care
Referral for orthotics
A Foot Health Practitioner (FHP) is qualified to provide routine foot care and maintain good health.
I will assess the condition of your feet, treat as appropriate and refer when required.
We spend most of our lives on our feet and they bare our weight, yet we take them for granted.
It is a priority to maintain good foot health particularly if the following relates to you:
Long term medication
Long term illness
Weight gain
Impact exercise
Shoe type
Most appointments take 1/2 hour. In the event you are late, it is unlikely I will be able to see you as this will delay the next patient appointment. In this case, please contact myself or reception ASAP. ​
Before we begin your first treatment we will complete your medical history and consent to treat / GDPR form. If you are unsure, then please have to hand a list of your medications and what you have been diagnosed with.
When an appointment is made by a relative or carer, I will ask if the patient has sufficient capacity to agree to their treatment. If they lack capacity, then I require the consent form completed and signed by the person making the booking, along with providing payment.
Before my visit, we will have discussed your appointment time and parking etc. I endeavour to be with you within the hour I have given, however, if I am running late or early then I will call you ASAP.
Each treatment can differ, but I will normally spend 1/2 to 1 hour with you.
If I have any concerns during your appointment that need medical intervention then we will discuss a referral to your GP or District Nurse.
If you have a dog/cat, please kindly pop him somewhere behind doors. I am an animal lover, but it can be a challenge during treatment.
And lastly, my visits always include a friendly smile and a good catch-up. You are after all a person above the feet! Your treatment finishes with a little foot massage with hydromol cream or your prescribed lotion, leaving you and your feet feeling relaxed and comfortable again.
Cancellation Policy
Once you have booked an appointment, I have reserved time in my diary and planned my day according to your location. Therefore, if you need to cancel your appointment and to avoid a cancellation fee, I respectfully request 48 hours' notice. In the event of an unavoidable situation such as ill health, your cancellation fee can be discussed.
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